This manga, created by acclaimed horror manga Japanese artist Junji Ito, is what inspired the cult Japanese horror flick of the same name - I remember reading it years back when I got my hands on it from a dingy old bookstore. It has since been released in English.
Uzumaki takes place in the sleepy coastal town of Kurozu-cho, where local Kirie Goshima has lived all her life. However, like all good horror plots, things soon begin to change, when normal citizens become obsessed with the ever-reducing shape of the spiral, and strange accidents begin to happen that have Kirie, and her sensitive boyfriend Shuichi puzzled and frightened. Now, with the spiral phenomenon spreading and the body count of townspeople rising, Kirie and Shuichi must fight its growing number of followers or die trying!
The film was whacky and abstract at times, but the manga had better development. Highly recommended.
1 comment:
Thanks for sharing, nice manga, but the links are broken can you fix them please.
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