To be a Ninja one must be strong, one must know, one must dare and one must be silent. A Ninja is a Hunter, who learns the ways of his prey so he can strike quickly and efficiently. A Ninja is a Warrior, who has learned to accept responsibility for his actions. The Ninja is a Mystic who can “stop the world” and “see with the eyes of God.” The Ninja are cloaked in mystery but are legendary for their missions of espionage, sabotage, and assassination in feudal Japan, which earned them a reputation as “invisible agents, ghost-soldiers, shadow-warriors, occult guards, and astral spies” of the highest order. The Ninja knows that even men of great power cannot change the world. Power can be achieved through Force, but lasting results can only be had through Love. Therefore, he seeks instead to move in harmony with the flow of the Universe, becoming one with his surroundings, hiding in full view of the enemy, practicing Ninjitsu, the Art of Invisibility. Ashida Kim is such a Ninja. He can teach you the secrets of this ancient Art. One of your skill and ability need only follow this course of instruction to be certain of success.
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